DBB valves have evolved to replace the process of bolting together individual valves to provide dual isolation. Dual isolation is a necessary requirement when maintenance is taking place down stream of the first isolation valve.

Summit Availability: BC, AB, SK, MB
Long gone is the need for expensive double block and bleed systems. FluoroSeal® Double Block and Bleed Valves provide isolation on your line without the combined cost of a complex, multi-valve system.
FluoroSeal® Plug Valves offer double port seals in both directions as well as a sealed isolation of the chamber below the plug and the areas around the plug at 90° to the port openings. A single valve can isolate either upstream or downstream, thus eliminating the need for the traditional two double block valves — a definite reduction in cost and maintenance, especially in processes involving large diameter lines.
To achieve the Double Block and Bleed combination, a drainage connection into the plug cavity is added by drilling and tapping through the bottom of the valve body.
FluoroSeal® Double Block and Bleed valves offer a 1/2” (12.7 mm) drain connection as standard, but other sizes can also be provided. Flexibility in connection size, length, and variety in availability, means that no matter what your space or process, a FluoroSeal®Double Block and Bleed valve will successfully fulfill your isolation needs.

Summit Availability: BC, AB, SK, MB
The unique WEY Model DB serves as both a Double Block & Bleed valve and a Line Blind. This unique design has two gates operated by one actuator. The gates seal against a combination metal and resilient seat for bi-directional bubble-tight shut-off. The chest and seating areas of the valve are self cleaning. The top “transverse” seal is re-packable while in service under full pressure. The valve is tested and rated for ZERO leakage (liquid or gas) downstream and to atmosphere.

Summit Availability: BC, AB, SK, MB
Size: from ½” to 64”
Class: from 150 to 2500
Materials: carbon steel, stainless steel, duplex, super duplex, incoloy, exotic materials, bronze, titanium. Conforming to the latest NACE MR 01-75 and MR 01-03. Base material + CRA weld overlays for aggressive fluids.

Summit Availability: BC, AB, SK, MB
The QuadroSphere Ball Valve is not a typical ball design. Surfaces of the ball that are non-essential to sealing have been recessed creating additional flow paths. The recessed surfaces provide lipped edges that wipe the seat surfaces clean during opening and closing to avoid particulate buildup. The ball has two sets of seating surfaces to provide shut off in the fully closed position and protect the seats in the fully open position.