A butterfly valve is used for regulating or isolating flow by using a rotatable disc.

Summit Availability: BC, AB, SK, MB
The Valmatic-BFV® is designed, manufactured, and tested to meet all AWWA C504 and C516 requirements including performance tests, leakage tests, and hydrostatic testing. Third-party Proof of Design Testing was successfully completed and flow testing was performed at the Utah State Hydraulics Lab, one of the premier testing labs in the world.
- WQA Certified Lead-Free
- Meets AWWA C504 and C516
- Certified to NSF/ANSI 61
- Manufactured under a certified ISO 9001 quality system
- Seat on disc design allows for field adjustment/replacement without the need for special tools or epoxies
- 150B and 250B AWWA classes
- Flanged connections sizes 3″-144″
- Mechanical joint end connections in sizes 4″- 48″
- Wafer design 4″ – 24″
- Flange x MJ available
Suitable for Water/Wastewater, Power, Process Industries – Air and Liquid Applications - Shut-Off Service, Modulating Service, SCADA Systems, Buried/Plant Service, Pump Control, Flow Control, Isolation

Summit Availability: BC, AB, SK, MB
Bray’s high quality automated butterfly valves precisely regulate the flow of hot and cold water or steam through all types of coils and heat exchangers. Bray offers a thin-profile disc without disc/stem fasteners to obstruct the flow. This design eliminates possible leak paths and allows for high Cv values with reduced turbulence.
Bray manufactures:
- Resilient seated thin & thick disc design butterfly valves
- High Performance Teflon encapsulated butterfly valves
- High Performance ANSI 150/300/600 Teflon/Metal seated butterfly valves ISO mount pneumatic acuators complete with switches, solenoids & positioners
- ISO mount electric acuators suitable for on/off and modulating service