Plug valves are valves with cylindrical “plugs” which can be rotated inside the valve body to control flow through the valve. The plugs in plug valves have one or more hollow passageways going sideways through the plug, so that fluid can flow through the open plug.

Summit Availability: BC, AB, SK, MB
FluoroSeal®, Non-Lubricated, Sleeved Plug Valves incorporate state-of-the art PTFE fluorocarbon seat design. With little required maintenance and trouble-free operation, a high integrity bubble-tight seal is provided both inline and to atmosphere. The engineered design features contributing to the superiority of our product are described as a function of their specific purpose to ensure a trouble-free extended life. Sizes 6″ thru 60″.

Summit Availability: BC, AB, SK, MB
Installed in thousands of applications the world over, the eccentric plug valve has proven itself as the valve of choice in wastewater and water applications. Unlike a multi-turn gate valve, the eccentric plug valve is a 1/4 turn valve allowing cost effective, low torque actuation for shut-off and throttling service. And while the gate valve leaves its operating stem exposed to the flow, the plug valve shaft and gear are both removed from the flow and protected from the media. Slurries and sewage are easily handled without clogging and with minimal headloss due to the valves linear flow path. The valve’s eccentric action rotates the plug in and out of the seat without scraping or binding. The combination of the eccentric action and heavy duty nickel seat assures long life with minimal maintenance.